Martin Cleaver
Martin Cleaver earned his B.Sc. & M.Sc. Computing Science in 1994/5 from Newcastle University (UK), and his MBA Organizational Design in 2004 from Melbourne Business School (Australia). He has worked for Reuters and Arthur Andersen in Hong Kong, Spain, UK and has lived in Canada since 2005.
His company, Blended Perspectives, helps organizations plan for, implement and acculturate Wikis and other social media knowledge management tools. Martin has a special interest in Knowledge Work, Knowledge Management, and Knowledge Methodologies such as Concept Mapping and Value Mapping. Martin presently holds the position of Publicity Chair for the 5th International Conference on Wikis, WikiSym2009.
You can find Martin Cleaver on his blog, and Linked In profile, His Twitter and Skype ids are mrjcleaver.
Martin Cleaver is co-founder of Toronto Wiki Tuesdays.