If you are considering returning to college or already in college, chances are you may need help somewhere along the line. Whether you're looking for Scholarships or help with transferring to a four-year university, this page can be a valuable resource to you on your academic journey.
Sacramento Regional Transit
The Sacramento Regional Transit is the city's light rail system, which can get you to and from home, work, or school.
Scholarships help you pay for college, whether it be tuition, housing, or textbooks and can be based on academic merit, major or minority status.
See Internships and Fellowships.
Financial Aid
Many college students receive financial aid to help pay for their college education. The Los Rios Community College District offers several options.
- Make sure to fill out the BOG Fee Waiver if you meet the BOG Fee Waiver Eligibility Requirements. The Board of Governor's Fee Waiver will pay for your tuition at the Los Rios Colleges if you meet the requirements.
- Don't worry, if you don't meet the BOG Fee Waiver requirements, you can still apply for FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Make sure to apply by June 30, 2012 to be eligible for federal financial aid. You may submit your application any time after January 1, 2012 and the sooner you apply, the better.
The Los Rios Community College District only offers Associate's Degrees and Certificates (see the list of Programs of Study here) so anyone pursuing a Bachelor's degree needs to transfer to a four-year university. Each campus in the Los Rios District has a Transfer Center to help you establish an academic plan.
- The website assist.org will be very helpful in regards to planning transfer coursework. Just select your current or planned community college, then select which university you want to apply to and the major or department you are interested in applying to. You will be able to see which classes you are required to take before you transfer into a particular major. The website only has information on California community colleges and California universities, so if you are interested in transferring out of state, you may wish to speak with a counselor for additional coursework planning.
To Do
- Tutoring (websites)
- Libraries
- Deals for students (student discounts-restaurants, apartments, etc.)
- Day care (student discounts)
- Buying cheap textbooks
- Inexpensive printing services
- Student employment (on campus)
- Student health insurance
- Disabled student resources
- ESL student resources
- Phi Theta Kappa/honors programs
- Online education guide
- Basic tips page (for doing well in school)
- Student veteran resources
- Assessment tests/signing up for classes
- Counseling departments
- Making the most out of CC experience