On Thursday, January 30, the Manzanita Recreation Center, located at 2701 22nd Avenue, will hold a kickoff celebration for their Earn Your Bike Program at 4:30 p.m.

During the event, a drawing will be held to select the 20 youth participants, ages 9 to 14, who will participate in the program beginning on February 4. While in the Earn Your Bike Program, participants must complete 36 hours of bicycle safety & repair and volunteer at weekly community service projects held in partnership with Councilmember Noel Gallo’s Office. 

Established in 1994, the program has instructed thousands of Oakland youth on bicycle safety and repair and distributed thousands of safety helmets. The Office of Parks and Recreation’s (OPR) efforts have helped reduce the number of bicycle accidents and fatalities within Oakland. The program is offered at local recreation centers, the Oakland Unified School District and community based organizations. OPR’s goal for 2014 is to continue to promoting bicycle safety and community awareness.

The program is made possible thanks to support from the City of Oakland, Oakland Police Department, Oakland Fire Department, State of California’s Office of Traffic Safety, the Golden State Warriors, Cycles of Change Organization, Good Tidings Foundation, Attorney John Eisenberg and other bicycle safety programs in Oakland.

For more information on the Earn Your Bike Program, please contact Marcelina Sanchez, Manzanita Recreation Center Director, at msanchez@oaklandnet.com or (510) 535-5625