Yee Xiong is a candidate for ASUCD Senate in the Winter 2013 ASUCD Election running on the SMART slate.

Yee Xiong is a 3rd year Asian American Studies and Design double major from Marysville, CA! I have extensive experience in the Southeast Asian American community at UC Davis and my ASUCD experience includes being a senate intern where I worked on institutionalizing funding for Ethnic Graduations.

Candidate Statement

What's up Aggies!

My name is Yee and I am a third year, Asian American Studies and Design double major. I am running for ASUCD Senate with Students Matter: Activism, Retention, Teamwork ( I work at the Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC) and I am an active member of the Hmong Student Union (HSU) and Southeast Asians Furthering Education (SAFE), a component within the SRRC. Last year, I successfully executed two of the biggest events for the Southeast Asian American community on campus: HSU's Higher Education Conference and the 5th annual Southeast Asian Graduation - two events that motivate and empower UC Davis students. I am running for ASUCD Senate to be a student voice for the collective UC Davis campus. Using a cross-community based method of cultivating student-run and initiated projects, I will be able to make the necessary changes in order to foster a more inclusive campus climate.


As the quarter goes by, more and more students stay on campus to study until buildings close. As an SRRC staff member, I see how quickly the center fills up and how often students come by to look for a study space. To further student retention, I will advocate for more accessible study spaces on campus for students’ academic success. My goals include extending hours at the ARC, the Griffin Lounge, and the Student Community Center. I will work with Conference and Event Services and Student Affairs to adjust these hours to be more convenient for students. In addition to having physical study spaces, I will extend computer lab hours on campus and make it accessible to any student after hours. I will work with Academic Technology Services to implement a card reading system, so that any UC Davis student can access the computer lab at their convenience with their student IDs, similar to the computer labs in the residence halls. More hours mean more hours of studying and happier students getting work done!


Ever get a professor whose teaching style didn’t work? They won’t know it until a year later! I will work for a faster analysis and distribution of the information recorded at the end of the quarter. As students at one of the top colleges in the nation, we must ensure that quarterly evaluations are worth filling out. We need to hold instructors accountable for the material being taught by dispersing these evaluations faster. I will work towards releasing and making these evaluations accessible, so student voices will have an immediate influence on how instructors teach course materials. In collaboration with administration and faculty, I will work to publish the data online so that any UC Davis student can utilize it prior to registering for classes.

Vote for informed student leaders that genuinely care about your undergraduate experience and will listen to YOUR needs, VOTE FOR ME YEE XIONG #1 for ASUCD Senate, S.M.A.R.T. #2-5 and F.U.Q. for President and Vice President!


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