Templates are pages that help provide a standardized page structure for related topics. This is a simple list of the templates for starting new pages with. To use these templates for creating new pages, simply select the template in the "Create a new page.." dialog.
List of templates
If you don't see a template for the type of page you want to create, check out the Templates from the gnome wiki and the Templates from the citywiki Template Repository.
This is a list of the templates on the wiki that you can use when creating a page.
- Templates/Apartment — used when creating listing for Apartments
- Templates/Building — for significant buildings
Templates/Business — used when creating a page for a business
- Templates/Departed Business — used when creating a page for a departed business
- Templates/Business Two Column Layout — another business template with a different looking table
- Templates/Charity —
- Templates/City Commission
- Templates/Disambiguation — when creating a disambiguation page
- Templates/Defunct Organization — used when creating a page for an organization that is defunct or no longer operating
- Templates/Park — for the parks in town. Has space to list park features
- Templates/Person — the default for user pages
- Templates/Pet — for pets of those on the wiki
- Templates/Phone — used when documenting a phone for the Payphone Project
- Templates/Public Official —
- Templates/Publication —
- Templates/Radio Station —
- Templates/Redirect — used to make a page that automatically forwards to another page, has instructions on proper format
- Templates/Restaurant —
- Templates/Shopping Center —
- Templates/Sports League or Team
- Templates/UCD Club
- Templates/UCD Department
- Templates/ASUCD Candidate