Students for Sustainable Agriculture and the SRA present: The Fall 2005 Sustainability Workshop Series
This is part of a Sustainable Living Workshop Series sponsored by the Sustainable Research Area. Free and Open to the public; and is also available for academic credit for UCD students.
contact dori or navina with questions: or
Past Workshops
Saturday, October 8th
Solar Cooker Workshop
Taught by: Rick Palkovic, co-author of "Cooking With Sunshine", featured in a NYTimes Sunday magazine article on solar cooking. Met 10am-1pm at the Student Farm, on the UC Davis Campus.
Participants learned the basics of Solar Cooking and made their own Solar Cookers!!
***Thanks Rick!***
October 15th
Beekeeping and Pollination Politics
Led by Tim Krupnik of Apis Apiaries Met 10am-1pm at the Domes on the UC Davis Campus
Learn basic honey bee biology, ecology and hive management, and about the important services of bees. Get practical experience working with hives.
***Thanks Tim!***
October 22nd
Bike Maintenance
Led by the Davis Bike Church
Learn how to fix a flat tire, adjust your brakes and seat properly, fix that pesky squeek, or just learn how your bike works and how to take better care of it! Ministers of the bike church offer a safe and supportive learning environment for you to meditate upon the revolution occuring in mobility in this 3 hour workshop. Bring your own bike to work on, or if you don't have one, we may be able to help.
- Met 10am-1pm at the Domes
Thanks Bike Church! We love you!
October 29th
Make your Own Fuel - BioDiesel!!
Led by Rainbow Vogt
- 10am-1pm at the Student Farm
Please join us for a demonstration of biodiesel-making. We will be starting with recycled oil from Mr. Chan's and end up with biodiesel. We'll discuss biodiesel-related issues such as fuel filters and hoses as well as any other topics on sustainability that come up. Note, we may run over on time but feel free to come for as much or as little as you like.
November 5th & 6th
Natural Paint Making
Led by Alie Alkon
Learn how to create your own alternative to toxic paint! We will use kaolin clay, flour and water to create natural paints. We will then use these paints to create art on the back wall of the domes greenhouse.
- 11am-2pm at the Domes
To get to the domes, start at the corner of Russell and La Rue. Head North on La Rue (towards the colleges, away from rite aid). Make your first right onto Orchard Park Drive. The domes are about two blocks down on the left. Follow the woodchip path to the center of the domes, continue through the archway into the gardens. Keep going down the path until you see the greenhouse on your right.
November 12th
Soymilk and Tofu Making
Led by co-opers at the Co-ops. Learn how to milk a soy-cow!
- 10am-1pm
Saturday November 19th
Apartment Gardening!!
Led by Dori and Navina
- 10am-1pm at Kingston Apartments, at the corner of F and 9th.
Enter the apartment complex from F street (just south of 9th), and walk straight back to Apartment 31.
Saturday December 3rd
Preserving Food - Fermentation!
Led by Tessa and Jesse
- 10am-1pm at the On Campus Co-ops - Agrarian Effort kitchen
Simple food fermentation preparations will be demonstrated and tasted at this workshop. Learn how to make your own sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, tempeh, kombucha, vinegar, sourdough, and more! This is a very introductory workshop aimed at people who have never tried to make any of these foods. Come learn about the myriad of everyday foods we eat that are fermented and why they're so good for us.