Where to turn for support? Help list the support groups in town:
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alzheimer's Support Group
- Al-Anon, Davis AFG Meeting Schedule
- Al-Anon Adult Child of Alcoholics
- Asian Pacific Islander Queers — A group for individuals who identify with both the API and LGBTQIA communities.
- Asexual Association — A social/support group for people who identify under the asexual umbrella
- Breastfeeding Support Program
- Caregiver Support Group — Offered every 2nd Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 pm for family caregivers of frail adults. Located at Yolo Adult Day Health Center
- Cannabis Patient Support Group -- Every last Wednesday of the month from 5:30-6:30pm at the Davis Public Library (Blanchard Community Room), 315 E. 14th St.
- Co-Dependents Anonymous — Only requirement is desire for healthy and loving relationships
- Davis Men's Community Talk & Drum Circle
- DAWN (Davis Area Women’s Network) - A community for women in Davis and the surrounding areas
- Debtors Anonymous
- Diabetes Advocacy & Awareness Group
- Emotions Anonymous
- Gender Group — A group for transgender and gender non-conforming people
- Gnomes Anonymous — A wiki-centric support group
- La Familia — A group for individuals who identify with both the Latin@ and LGBTQIA community
- Marijuana Anonymous — No meetings in Davis, Sacramento only. Similar to AA program.
- ManKind Project — Meetings in Davis.
- Meditation Support for Parents and Children Davis Shambhala Meditation Center, Sunday mornings 8:45 -10:15
- Narcotics Anonymous
- National Alliance for the Mentally Ill — Advocacy group for the mentally ill
- Nonviolent Communication Practice Group — A group that meets in Davis to practice communicating in ways that engage compassion and honesty instead of triggering stress.
- Overeaters Anonymous — A 12-step recovery group that welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively.
- Polyamory/Non-monogamy Group — A group for people in or considering poly/non-mono relationships
- Prostate Cancer Support Group — Meets monthly on second Monday at 6:30 PM, Davis Senior Center.
- Pregnancy Loss Support Groups — For women who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or other types of pregnancy loss, these groups are intended to provide a safe place to meet and share, to give and receive support.
- Scoliosis Discussion Group — Offers resources and support for adolescents with scoliosis and their parents
- Student Recruitment and Retention Center — Offers annual retreats for extra motivation
- Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
- Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Center
- Single Parent Support Group
- Workaholics Anonymous
- Widowed Persons Circle
- Wikiholics Anonymous
- Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization — Breast cancer advocacy and support
- Yolo Compassionate Friends — Group for parents who have had a child die
- Medication Nation — A network of individuals in the Greater Sacramento region who oppose psychiatric abuse, for survivors and family.
- Students at UC Davis have many options, several offered through CAPS. Most are free.
- There are also several groups listed on the Parenting page.