Summer rain is a rare weather event in Davis. Between June and September the area is dominated by subtropical high pressure, which shunts precipitation-producing weather systems well to the north, so rainfall during those months is negligible, if not absent.

NEW! Spectacular Summer rain occurred on 'Miracle Monday' September 20, 2022. A whopping 2.95" of rain fell in the afternoon and evening. In two days time, September 19 and 20, a record of 4 inches of rain fell, totaling 4,000% the normal Davis September rainfall (source: Colin McCarthy). What really makes it totally magical is the fact that just a week earlier an unheard of and very extended heatwave (topping 117° F, 47° C) had ravaged Northern California. And what makes this even beyond magical, is the fact that *only* Davis received this amount of rain. Sacramento got the lesser deal of 1.02" (source: Rob Carlmark). Update: in the night of September 20 to the morning of September 21, even more Summer rain fell. 

Photos of Constantia who was there to witness it again: J Street, Davis.

It occurred on September 20 and 21 2013. (barely summer, it should be noted — Autumn began on September 22 in this year, but Summer anyway). That day, September 21, around 6.15 PM there was a complete cloudburst including hail & thunder. The hail was observed for about 15 minutes.

It occurred on August 5, 2014 too and in the night of 5-6 August 2014. Because this rain was very mild and because of the exceptional drought California is in, unfortunately, it will not bring any substantial relief.

Right in the middle of a crushing, record-breaking, heatwave ánd pandemic, the rare Summer rain, accompanied by hours of crisp-clear and sometimes loud thunder, occurred on August 16, 2020 in the morning. 

Photos: (from ConstantiaOomen)

(rare) Musical interpretation by Timo Laine: "Symphonic Slam - Summer Rain"

Summer rain in Davis in 2013 - September 21, 11.50 AM

Summer rain in Davis in 2013 - September 21, 12.15 PM

Summer rain in Davis in 2013 - September 21, ± 6.30 PM

Summer hail! in Davis in 2013 - September 21, ± 6.30 PM

Summer rain in Davis in 2013 - September 21, ± 6.30 PM

Summer rain in Davis in 2013 - September 21, ± 6.30 PM

Summer rain in Davis in 2013 - September 21, ± 6.30 PM


Summer rain, 2013

Weather forecast 2013

See also