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The Student Services and Fees Administrative Advisory Committee (SSFAAC) is the only student-run committee mandated by The Regents of the University of California and serves as the primary agency for channeling student input into decisions regarding the level and use of Registration Fees. The Registration Fee is a charge made to each registered student for services that are necessary to students, but not part of the University’s programs of instruction, research, or public service. Included in these services are activities such as counseling, academic advising, tutorial assistance, cultural and recreational programs, and capital improvements that provide extracurricular benefits for students.
SSFAAC advises the Chancellor, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor through the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, who is authorized by The Regents of the University of California to determine specific allocations of Registration Fee income for the campus, within appropriate University policies and guidelines. SSFAAC works in coalition with the UC Council on Student Fees.
Recently, SSFAAC has expanded its purview to also serve as the oversight body for the use of the Facilities and Campus Enhancements (FACE) Initiative fund and the Campus Expansion Initiative (CEI) fund. The FACE Initiative fund includes money for the ARC, the SRRC, the Schaals Aquatics Center, the Multi-use Stadium, the Pavilion (formerly known as the Rec. Hall), the Equestrian Center, and Financial Aid grant funds. The CEI fund includes money for Division I grants in aid, the Coffee House expansion, Unitrans, Intramurals and Sport Clubs, the Student Resource Center, the Student Health Center, and Financial Aid grant funds.
Their meetings, for the 2013 - 2014 school year, have not been publicized on their website, nor have agendas and minutes been distributed through any public venue.
During their April 10th meeting for the 2013 - 2014 academic year, SSFAAC voted against CPI increases to fees for ICA scholarships, intramural sports, FACE, and CEI. (SFAAC also voted against these CPI increases to fees in 2007)
Membership includes: 2 Faculty (1 from the Academic Senate and 1 from the Academic Federation), 1 Staff, 9 Students (6 undergraduate students, 3 graduate/professional students). Applicants may not have a conflict of interest in programs financed from University Registration Fees. Due to the nature of this Committee, it is highly recommended, although not required, that students be willing to serve for at least 2 years. The Committee usually meets every two weeks on Thursdays between 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Student Housing building near Segundo, unless otherwise warranted to fulfill its charge. SSFAAC meets regardless of academic concerns; for Winter 2014, its meeting for the vote to adjust fees was scheduled to be held during Finals Week, but after complaints from ASUCD officials, delayed the vote until Spring Quarter, though did not wait for the presentation on the components of these fees from other stakeholders before voting on the matter. The SSFAAC Chair serves as the Davis Representative to the UC Council on Student Fees.
Past Chairs
- Stephanie Wu (2011-2012)
- Max Mikalonis (2007-2009)
- David Ambrose & Parisa Manteghi (2006-2007)
- David Ambrose (2005-2006)
- Vanessa Cordero & William Tunick (2004-2005)
- Richard Cipian (2003-2004)
- Erick Canales (2002-2003)
- Scott Lay & Kara Ueda (1999-2000)
- Cecilia Escamilla-Greenwald & Jay Estabrook (1995-1996)