Such make up the High Rises - a Segundo region of tall five story mammoths of residence halls. Four of those floors are used for rooms, with the other being used as a giant common area. In the center of these behemoths used to be the Olde Segundo Dining Commons building. The building was demolished to build the new Segundo Services Center.
In 2010 to 2011, the Segundo towers were renovated. Carpeting was added to each of the rooms and all of the towers received new climate control systems. Previously, the Segundo towers featured green linoleum floors. Ryerson used to be the only tower with air conditioning. The other towers did not have air conditioning and were often very warm during the spring and summer months. Summer in Davis without air conditioning??? What were they thinking?
Bixby and Gilmore halls are luckily situated right next to the Segundo Dining Commons - a location its residents seem to happily take use of. Next to the DC is a tunnel that is kind of hidden and is used for travel to the other side of La Rue Road. Off to the side of the Olde Segundo Dining Commons building is the Segundo Green - a field occasionally used for events.
It reaches to La Rue Road to the West, Segundo North to the north, Primero Grove, parking lot VP 22, and Regan Hall to the east, and the Segundo Dining Commons to the south.