Colleges - degree programs

Adult Education - nondegree programs

Lockers ahoy, a sure sign you're at a school

Primary and Secondary Schools

Public K-12 schools in Davis are part of the Davis Joint Unified School District, one of the better school districts in the immediate area. The district serves approximately 8,800 students in grades K–12, approximately 70% of whom are white with the remaining distribution: 0.8% American Indian/Alaskan Native, 12.3% Asian, 0.4% Pacific Islander, 0.9% Filipino, 12.1% Hispanic, 3.5% African American. Some services offered by the district includes assistance to limited speakers of English (ESL), reading specialists, a school-to-career program, a special education program, Gifted & Talented Education (GATE) program and K-12 summer school. Approximately 90% of Davis Senior High School graduates go on to enroll in college, with 60% attending four-year universities and colleges.

Davis public schools need your help!

High schools

Jr. High schools

Elementary schools

Private schools

Preschools/Private Kindergarten/Childcare

Other Schools

Chinese Schools

Italian playgroup

French After School Program

Special Needs


Independent Study Schools

All of these schools are public schools offering free enrollment, and provide varying amounts of classes, curriculum, resources, and guidance for homeschooling families. Families do not need to enroll in one of these schools in order to legally homeschool, but many choose to for the resources they provide.

Local Support

*Yolo-Solano Educational Hybrid- A newly forming, innovative, holistic, parent co-operative educational community italizing waldorf and other hands on teaching methods for those with children grades k-6th. Classes offered 3 days a week, 4 hrs per day for those seeking a mix of traditional school and homeschooling. contact for more info.

State and Nationwide Support

Additional Information

Former Schools