Looking to buy a place? Learn about Davis real estate including neighborhoods and subdivisions, growth directions, financing, realtors who can hold your hand and more. In case you hadn't yet realized it, Davis is a college town and as such suffers the typical town-gown conflicts, be they issues between student and homeowners or issues of university growth and its impact on the surrounding city. We'll try not to turn this into a debate page, but more of a useful tool for orienting yourself to Davis' real estate options. To learn more about the many politics coursing through our fair city, we encourage you to take a look at our City of Davis pages. And if you want a little snapshot of history, you can find an early mural map of Davis at the Post Office.

Neighborhoods & Communities

This photo tour of Davis neighborhoods is helpful to get a feel for the architecture, style, and age of the various Davis neighborhoods. See also Neighborhood Associations.

  • Aggie Village
  • The Core Area is Davis' oldest section and combines both residential homes, apartments and the community's commercial center
  • El Macero
  • West Village is a proposed resale/rental housing development on UC Davis property with a land lease similar to Aggie Village
  • Covell Village was a proposed housing development rejected by voters in 2005
  • Multi-faith co-op is said by some to be the most Davis thing ever, yet is not supported by the city development.
  • Village Homes is a housing development in West Davis. Most of the homes have solar panels and there are many community shared resources such as gardens, a pool, vineyard, and community center.

Real Estate Markets

see Rental Housing Guide for a discussion of related issues and links to resources for renters


The Davis housing market, generally in keeping with the Central Valley market, experienced rapid price gains during and immediately following the tech boom of the early millennium [2000-2005]. Davis real estate prices declined during the recession, but have since recovered.   Interested buyers may want to research current market information by contacting a real estate agent.

Latest Davis home sales market statistics and trends are also posted here:



see also NIMBY

Realtors & Real Estate Companies

Mortgage Brokers

Listing Services

  • Davis Real Estate and Homes - Easy Davis Home Search. User friendly access to the MLS.
  • Discover Davis Homes Home search for Davis, Woodland and Winters real estate
  • GreaterSacHomes.us  Quick & easy mapped Davis home search. No registration required.
  • Google Maps now shows the locations of houses for sale around Davis, with data obtained from listings at various other sites. Locations are mapped, have some pricing data, and have links to listing sites. Go to google maps, click on "more", then click on "Real Estate".
  • Keller Williams Realty in Davis - Registration Free MLS Search for Home Buyers. Preparation advice, listing service and tips for Davis, CA home sellers.
  • LiveInDavis.com - Search all listings in Davis and surrounding areas. No registration. No hassle.
  • Search Davis home for sale using a no-strings-attached interface with the regional MLS.
  • housinglist.com
  • trulia.com Trulia is a web 2.0 interface to the MLS built on top of google maps.
  • zillow.com Has listings primarily of houses for sale, searchable by a variety of features.

Business Brokers

  • Business Realty Co - Independent business & real estate broker Justin C. Lowenthal, Esq., Realtor

Commercial Brokers

  • Lowenthal Realty - Independent business & real estate broker Justin C. Lowenthal, Esq., Realtor

Once you've found a little piece of land on which you're willing to plunk down some pocket change, you may find that your dream home is what is fondly referred to as "a fixer upper." Scan through some of our other pages to find some folks and information to get your new purchase in ship shape.

  • Home Repair