ps, with each mail order SnowBeige includes a highly narcissistic, yet personal message to you, like lucky Dean, HFEO's first mail order.

Hysteria for Every Occasion
P.O. Box 74144
Davis, CA
Publication dates
Bi-annually so far. (Edition #2 in the works)
No Phone
Copies are $1.00 each. (Please note in the photo it says 50cents—this is incorrect.)
If you want one mailed to you, the price is $2.00
You can also send me a 6"x9" SASE with 90 cents postage, plus that one dollar bill.
That, or if you run into me in person, ask me for one.
April 2006

Hysteria for Every Occasion is an autobiographical and philosophical zine exploring the existence of one bi, beige, small woman in the grand ole country of the US of A in the 80s, 90s and 00s. "beginning or end" (HFEO #1) is 34 pages of writing, photos and illustrations, all circling around the idea of starting.

The working title for HFEO #2 is "where i can't see myself" and SB swears she is getting the wheels in motion for this one shortly.


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2006-08-10 02:41:52   'Hysteria for Every Occasion' is both keen and has a B&W senior picture of Morgan on it in when she's all girlied out. —BrianMartinez

2006-08-10 07:23:58   How big are they? What size SASE would be appropriate? —JabberWokky

2006-08-10 07:35:12   I would like to buy a few. The artwork is frame-able. —JoshFernandez

Thanks Josh, how many copies do you want? —SnowBeige

2006-08-20 17:43:51   This zine totally rocks. Just in case you were wondering. —MistressAlthaea

Thanks a lot, Miss A! —SnowBeige