A&E, or Architects and Engineers is a campus unit that plans and oversees all University Construction. Ironically they are located off campus next to Schilling Robotics. They used to be located on campus just north of EU III.
Their website is really pretty and useful.
They have been improving their construction recycling and have achieved over 50% diversion of construction waste campus wide. The Mathematical Sciences Building has diverted 90% of their waste.
A master list of current construction projects can be found on the project tracker. Are any of these LEED certified green buildings?
See also other architects.
How does one calculate the diversion rate for a construction project? Or for all construction on the campus as a whole for that matter? Do remodels count? Does concrete broken out in the site preparation phase count in the total? — JasonAller
2008-06-05 11:04:51 The 50% diversion rate is all well and good, but as a taxpayer, I'd rather see how the finished costs of their constructions compare to comparable works in private industry. —JimStewart
2008-06-05 11:09:29 Oh and by the way, there's lots of architects and engineers in Davis not associated with this group. A better name might be UCD Architects and Engineers Unit. —JimStewart
- See Architects for other architects. —JasonAller
2014-01-20 15:03:05 A&E changed its name to Design and Construction Management some years ago. Same folks, same location (255 Cousteau Place). The old website (http://www.ae.ucdavis.edu/index.htm) still exists, and looks to be just an older graphic implementation of the new one (http://dcm.ucdavis.edu/). —JimFrame
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