Adam was a student at UC Davis from 2002-2006. He served as the rush chair, pledge master, and secretary of Alpha Epsilon Pi, treasurer of the IFC, and in a number of roles at Hillel. In 2005, Adam was appointed to an interim seat on the ASUCD Senate and in 2006, Adam was the IFC Greek Man of the Year.

Currently, Adam lives and works in Washington, DC.


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2005-02-07 00:29:10   Wow, I can't imagine, the two coolest men in the very same photo. Better yet, they even sleep together! —Katy Tang

2005-02-07 11:42:19   Wow! I know a guy with a Davis Wiki page! Stellar. 122 is the shit... —JeremyGimbel

2005-02-23 22:07:11   I agree with you that Kai deserved an endorsement. However, who knows what happened during his interview. He is a calm and collected individual, but you never know how people will perform when surrounded by the Aggie editorial board. I did rank Kai highly when I voted. —AdamBarr

2005-02-23 22:11:48   yeah, im a little disapointed that kai didnt get endorsed (obviously) but my issue has more to do with the general feeling towards Student Focus. There is a strong anti-SF sentiment on campus and i think that they are becoming the scape goat for all ASUCD problems. i just dont want to see candidates overlooked by the voters just because they feel that its cool to hate SF —AdamGerber

2005-02-23 23:44:22   I think there's a difference between scapegoating for ASUCD's problems, and just not liking Student Focus' agenda/just not feeling it's in tune with what the campus needs. We haven't had any seriously big problems in ASUCD like the 2001 rolling blackouts that prompted the gubernatorial recall, so there aren't really big problems that we're blaming on Student Focus. I think the general sentiment is just that Student Focus isn't in tune with what we want right now. But then again maybe I'm missing something. —KenBloom

2005-05-20 01:18:05   Bitch Ass Changing my Shit I fuckin finished Century Club how bout you? yeah thats what i thought —MarkKlebanov

2006-03-26 03:46:48   Adam, I've got a pile of wiki shirts sitting right next to me as I type this. If you'd like to buy one, just let me know. —ArlenAbraham

2006-03-26 13:57:05   Sorry, we don't have any of the black ones yet. I know, white is kinda lame... The shirts are $15 + optional donation. —ArlenAbraham

2006-03-29 19:43:37   Whirley DrinkWorks make the Student Housing DC mugs ... the link is on the Mugs page. —TusharRawat

2006-04-19 22:59:35   Congrats on the cow milking _MatthewKeys

2006-04-28 06:27:12   Not a kiss, random or at a party. Was it a girl? Because you know, it could have been the at the same event you used to cross off "Milk a Cow"... ;) —JabberWokky

2006-05-22 22:37:50   Nope, never been to sogas for exactly that reason. There are only a few weeks left in the quarter if you want a white wiki shirt before you graduate. Hit up the email if you want one, I can meet you on campus or deliver. —ArlenAbraham

2006-06-06 21:26:41   Mr. Greek's Gallant Global Gallup —JamesSchwab

  • oooh, alliteration. i like. thanks —adam

2006-06-12 15:15:48   Thank you for my wiki page. I always wanted one but was not full of myself enough to make one! —DanFriedman