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Vision Statement
To bring African communities clean water and hope for a better future.
Mission Statement
In response to God’s love and His heart for justice among the people of the world, the 1000 Wells Project, Davis exists to provide clean, safe, accessible, and sustainable water sources for those in sub-Saharan African communities through raising funds and awareness on the UC Davis campus and in the greater Davis community.
2008 Share The Well Campaign Events
April • 14th-18th – Awareness Week:Come sign up/ pick up 2 Weeks of Sacrifice packets and wristbands! We'll be tabling wed- friday from 10-2pm on the quad. • 19th: Picnic Day Kickoff/ 2 Weeks of Sacrifice begins • 25th – DC Swipe-fest: Segundo DC, 5:30pm: All are welcome! Know.Swipe.Eat.
May • 3rd – End of 2 Weeks of Sacrifice • 4th – Closing Event • 6th– Habit Burger Fundraiser Night: 4-7pm • 17th – Walk for Water
June • 12th– Yogurt Shack Fundraiser Night
History & Roots
The 1000 Wells Project is a national campaign to raise awareness about the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa, while raising funds for water projects in 1000 African communities over the period of approximately 5 years. The 1000 Wells Project chapter at UC Davis was founded in the Spring of 2005 by then freshman, Tyson Babayco. Tyson assembled a group of volunteers from his dorm and other campus service clubs in the hopes of raising around $2,000.00 over a two-week period. Students responded generously and 1000 Wells collected nearly double their goal. During the 2005 campaign, the group was also spotlighted by The California Aggie, The UC Davis Alumni Magazine, and The Davis Enterprise.
The 1000 Wells Project is a division of Blood: Water Mission, a faith-based certified non-profit organization that teams with other NGOs across the African continent to build the wells and infrastructure needed for community survival. Less than 10% of the funds go to administrative costs and the rest is used solely for the water projects.
The Blood:Water Mission desires each of the 1000 wells to make a lasting impact in community health and, therefore, focuses on education, sanitation and local leadership as necessary elements of each project. The community based organizations provide appropriate training that is specific to their communities’ needs for clean water and overall health. They also provide sanitation solutions such as latrines where they are needed. Lastly, they work with the communities to create committees to oversee the use, maintenance and repair of their wells.
Inspired by the success of their last two years, 1000 Wells Project Davis has greatly expanded the scope of their campaign for the 2007 school year. With six months of planning (instead of just one) and a more comprehensive list of goals for the greater Davis community, 1000 Wells is hoping to raise $10,000. Wells range in cost from approximately $3,000.00 to $15,000.00 depending on depth and the type of pump required to bring water to the surface. Because 1000 Wells Davis reached their 2007 goal, at least one, and possibly as many as five African communities will have a safe and reliable water source along with the training and support necessary to its sustainability.
Current Goals
This year’s “Share the Well” 1000 Wells campaign is the most ambitious yet. With a goal of $15,000 for the 2008 project, we hope to help alleviate the suffering of HIV/AID victims and break the cycle of injustice and poverty. Join us in this cause to help make the crisis for clean water in Africa history.
Goals for 2008 Campaign:
- Raise $15,000
- Raise awareness within the Davis community and UCD about the need for clean drinking water in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Empower and equip people to act
- Double our volunteer base
How is clean water related to HIV/AIDS?
Eighty percent of all deaths in developing countries are caused by water-borne illnesses. A significant amount of diseases, including illnesses that affect HIV, can be nearly eliminated with the provision of clean water. Our commitment to addressing the HIV/AIDS crisis requires action on the problem of unsafe water in Africa.
It is difficult to separate AIDS from the problem of unsafe water. Lack of access to clean water creates vulnerable communities with little hope for survival. As the pandemic distresses various parts of a community, there are several ways to promote a positive shift in the problem of AIDS. Providing wells is an important step to building stronger, healthier communities.
On-Campus Fundraising (i.e. Tabling) Check them out at the MU tables from 10am to 2pm April 21st through 25th and April 28rd through May 2nd.
Two Weeks of Sacrifice: In recognition of the clean water we take for granted each day, Students and Davis community members may choose to drink only water for two weeks and donate the money saved on other beverages to The 1000 Wells Project. This is a great service project for clubs, scouts, sport teams, and spiritual organizations. For more information about Two Weeks of Sacrifice please email
Tabling at the Davis Farmer's Market. Come check them out every Wednesday and Saturday now through the end of May.
Walk for Water— May 17th. Join us in solidarity with the women and children who walk miles to collect clean water in many African communities.
On-Campus Fundraising (i.e. Tabling) Check them out at the MU tables from 10am to 2pm April 21st through 25th and April 28rd through May 2nd.
Two Weeks of Sacrifice: In recognition of the clean water we take for granted each day, Students and Davis community members may choose to drink only water for two weeks and donate the money saved on other beverages to The 1000 Wells Project. This is a great service project for clubs, scouts, sport teams, and spiritual organizations. For more information about Two Weeks of Sacrifice please email
Tabling at the Davis Farmer's Market. Come check them out every Wednesday and Saturday now through the end of May.
Walk for Water— May 17th. Join us in solidarity with the women and children who walk miles to collect clean water in many African communities.
The two weeks of sacrifice and on-campus fundraising will kick-off with Picnic Day 2008—April 19th, 2008.
Please look for our tables on the quad and around the SILO. If you are interested in participating in the two weeks of sacrifice, please feel free to e-mail us at the below address.
Look for an article about the 1000 Wells Project Davis in The Davis Enterprise. Also, The California Aggie ran an article on Thursday April 12th.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out more email Check out our brand new website at For more information check out our parent organization
2006-04-24 12:36:26 On Sunday there was an article about a similar topic to this project in the San Francisco Chronicle, here. —NickSchmalenberger
2007-03-20 23:46:19 check out the facebook group "The 1000 Wells Project" for more information and info on volunteer opportunities! —PeanuToes
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