Tammy Mayrend is a search and social marketing, a professional singer and local actress currently residing in the Ann Arbor area. With her role as a consultant, Tammy has helped customers achieve goals through innovative projects. She's versed in social media, search engine marketing, search engine optimization as well as traditional marketing strategies. Feeling strongly that professionals must walk-the-walk to talk-the-talk, she has also built a successful online presence with her Ann Arbor Mom Blog (http://annarbormom.blogspot.com/).
Tammy is an active volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America (Southern Shores Trail Council, Huron Trails) and the Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan. She enjoys spending time outdoors, gardening and in the pursuit of many other creative endeavors.
Tammy is an active contributing writer and blogger for several client sites and parenting websites including:
Ann Arbor Mom Blog: http://annarbormom.blogspot.com/ Michigan Backyard Gardener: http://michiganbackyardgardener.blogspot.com/ PWB Marketing Blog: http://pwb.com/blog/