Stores & Services
Stores: Books, Antiques, Groceries, Hardware, Resale, Buying essentials locally; Services: Banks, Shoe repair, Plumbers, Roofing, Other Services
Where to eat?
Donuts; Ice cream; Find a restaurant by nationality, style..., or see Menus, Bars, Local Food
Or find Deals: Happy Hour, Lunch under 5 dollars, Birthday Deals, Breakfast, Best food under 10 dollars, Bright lights, little city: places for dinner during winter's gloom
Local Media
Daily: The Michigan Daily,
Twice-Weekly: Ann Arbor News (print; online is daily)
Weekly: Washtenaw Now (replaces Chelsea Standard, Dexter Leader, Saline Reporter, Ypsilanti Courier), The Ann Arbor Crier, Metro Times
Bi-Weekly: The Washtenaw Voice
Monthly: Current, Ann Arbor Observer, Critical Moment, Ann Arbor Masonic News, Groundcover, The Bohemian, The Communicator, The Ann, Purple Walrus Press
Irregular: Every Three Weekly
Historic: Ann Arbor News, Ann Arbor Sun, Ypsilanti Citizen, Peninsular Courier,, Ann Arbor Chronicle, Ann Arbor Journal
Satire: News of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Newshawks, The Onion
FM: WCBN 88.3, WEMU 89.1, WUOM 91.7, WWWW 102.9, WQKL 107.1
AM: WDEO 990, WTKA 1050, WLBY 1290, WSDS 1480, WAAM 1600, WYPS-LP 1700
Online: Ann Arbor Alive, Michigan Radio
Public safety: Police scanner, SKYWARN. NOAA All Hazards Radio
Historic: WPAG, WIQB
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Navigate the Streets of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti by bus (AAATA or U-M), bike, bike-sharing (ArborBike), car-sharing (ZipCar), car (driving/parking), or taxi.