What do you know about Users/deeray82?
Hey Desiree, welcome to LocalWiki! Any relation to Dan Abbott, by any chance? Thanks for your great work in Alameda! I'm hoping to add some info here and there where I can! I do lots of work on LocalWiki, so please let me know if you have any questions (philip@localwiki.org). Best, philip
Hi Philip! Thanks for the welcome, and no relation to Dan Abbott, that I know of at least. :) I moved to Alameda a couple of years ago from Davis, where they have a thriving LocalWiki - it's how I found my dentist there, who I loved! So, when I finally decided to bite the bullet and find an Alameda dentist about a month ago, I realized that I didn't have such a resource anymore, and Yelp is kind of lacking the information I really want. When I saw that Alameda has a wiki but it's still pretty bare bones, I decided to start championing the effort to beef it up, so that future generations of Alamedans can find the right dentist. And hair salon. And tailor/seamstress. And...etc. :) Best, Desiree'