Pete Hernandez at Disneyland Hong Kong.

I am Pete (Pedro) Hernandez and was a candidate with Friends Urging Campus Kindness for the Winter 2005 ASUCD Election and received 1049 top eight ranked votes - that's 28.2% of the voters.

I'm an undergraduate student at UC Davis, research assistant in theChicano Studies department. You can find my blogger Here

Go Vegan!


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2005-02-24 13:43:57   yo yo yo... my email is compostnolan(at)gmail(dot)com, drop me a line... —MikeyNolan

2005-03-09 01:29:08   yahoo for animal lovers! you are the best —GennaCarnes

2005-04-21 13:51:33   pete, my roommate was the bike masturbator and he'd like to see the picture you got of him. can you email it to me? spiffo@ucdavis.eduDanielMedinaCleghorn

2005-05-11 15:27:54   Dude, you are SOOO a professor of the poli sci...okay...sure... —JeremyGimbel

2005-07-04 10:49:43   Pete- when I saw you last you mentioned some large org STAR is working with- was it API? Because I just applied for work with them in Sac. They sounded like an incredible organization. I hope STAR's going well! —EllenSeeley

2005-07-28 01:06:40   hi im vegan. and i move to davis august 1st. i really want to get involved in clubs mainly reguading animals.. :) well if you have time id like to here how to find out about all this stuff. ( thanks -melanie —MelanieAspeitia

2005-08-24 13:00:39   Pete is such a nice guy, while behind him in line he struck up conversation, and didn't even now I was on the Wiki. He's also very good at guessing how much his groceries will cost. —MichelleAccurso

2007-05-02 12:06:50   Pete, how was your trip to HK Disneyland? Were you there for the opening? —DavidGrundler

2018-01-19 11:52:00   I really want to get involved, what is the contact information? —rebecca18