Name: Nicholas Corwin

I ask you, friends. What's it going to be then, eh? Is it going to be in and out of institutions like this? Or more in than out for most of you? Or are you going to attend to the divine Word and realise the punishment that awaits unrepentant sinners in the next world as well as this? A lot of idiots you are, selling your birthright for a saucer of cold porridge. The thrill of theft, of violence—the urge to live easy. I ask you friends, what is it worth? When we have undeniable proof—yes, my friends, incontrovertible evidence that Hell exists. I know, I know, my friends. I have been informed, in visions, that there is a place darker than any prison, hotter than any flame of human fire, where the souls of unrepentant criminals, sinners like yourselves—don't you laugh, damn you, don't you laugh—I say like yourselves, scream in endless and unendurable agony. Their skins rotting and peeling. A fireball spinning in their screaming guts. I know... oh yes, I know.

I can tell you with all sincerity that I and the government which I am a member are deeply sorry about this, my boy, deeply sorry. We tried to help you. We followed recommendations which were made to us that turned out to be wrong. An inquiry will place the responsibility where it belongs. We want you to regard us as friends. We put you right, you're getting the best of treatment. We never wished you harm, but there are some who did, and do, and I think you know who those are. There are certain people who wanted to use you for political ends. They would have be glad to have you dead, for they thought they could then blame it all on the government. There is also a certain man, a writer of subversive literature, who has been howling for your blood. He's been mad with desire to stick a knife in you, but you're safe from him now. We put him away. He found out that you had done wrong to him—at least, he believed you had done wrong to him. He formed this idea in his head that you had been responsible for the death of someone near and dear to him. He was a menace. We put him away for his own protection, and also for yours.

Mitbuerger! Freunde! Roemer! hoert mich an: Begraben will ich Cäsarn, nicht ihn preisen. Was Menschen Übles tun, das überlebt sie, Das Gute wird mit ihnen oft begraben. So sei es auch mit Cäsarn! Der edle Brutus Hat euch gesagt, daß er voll Herrschsucht war; Und war er das, so war's ein schwer Vergehen, Und schwer hat Cäsar auch dafür gebüßt. Hier, mit des Brutus Willen und der andern (Denn Brutus ist ein ehrenwerter Mann, Das sind sie alle, alle ehrenwert), Komm ich, bei Cäsars Leichenzug zu reden. Er war mein Freund, war mir gerecht und treu; Doch Brutus sagt, daß er voll Herrschsucht war, Und Brutus ist ein ehrenwerter Mann. Er brachte viel Gefangne heim nach Rom, Wofür das Lösegeld den Schatz gefüllt. Sah das der Herrschsucht wohl am Cäsar gleich? Wenn Arme zu ihm schrien, so weinte Cäsar; Die Herrschsucht sollt aus härterm Stoff bestehn. Doch Brutus sagt, daß er voll Herrschsucht war, Und Brutus ist ein ehrenwerter Mann. Ihr alle saht, wie am Lupercusfest Ich dreimal ihm die Königskrone bot, Die dreimal er geweigert. War das Herrschsucht? Doch Brutus sagt, daß er voll Herrschsucht war, Und ist gewiß ein ehrenwerter Mann. Ich will, was Brutus sprach, nicht widerlegen; Ich spreche hier von dem nur, was ich weiß. Ihr liebtet all ihn einst nicht ohne Grund; Was für ein Grund wehrt euch, um ihn zu trauern? O Urteil, du entflohst zum blöden Vieh, Der Mensch ward unvernünftig! - Habt Geduld! Mein Herz ist in dem Sarge hier beim Cäsar, Und ich muß schweigen, bis es mir zurückkommt.

Nun ward der Winter unsers Mißvergnügens Glorreicher Sommer durch die Sonne Yorks; Die Wolken all, die unser Haus bedräut, Sind in des Weltmeers tiefem Schoß begraben. Nun zieren unsre Brauen Siegeskränze, Die schart'gen Waffen hängen als Trophä'n; Aus rauhem Feldlärm wurden muntre Feste, Aus furchtbarn Märschen holde Tanzmusiken. Der grimm'ge Krieg hat seine Stirn entrunzelt, Und statt zu reiten das geharn'schte Roß, Um drohnder Gegner Seelen zu erschrecken, Hüpft er behend in einer Dame Zimmer Nach üppigem Gefallen einer Laute. Doch ich, zu Possenspielen nicht gemacht, Noch um zu buhlen mit verliebten Spiegeln; Ich, roh geprägt, entblößt von Liebesmajestät Vor leicht sich dreh'nden Nymphen mich zu brüsten; Ich, um dies schöne Ebenmaß verkürzt, Von der Natur um Bildung falsch betrogen, Entstellt, verwahrlost, vor der Zeit gesandt In diese Welt des Atmens, halb kaum fertig Gemacht, und zwar so lahm und ungeziemend, Daß Hunde bellen, hink ich wo vorbei; Ich nun, in dieser schlaffen Friedenszeit, Weiß keine Lust, die Zeit mir zu vertreiben, Als meinen Schatten in der Sonne spähn Und meine eigne Mißgestalt erörtern; Und darum, weil ich nicht als ein Verliebter Kann kürzen diese fein beredten Tage, Bin ich gewillt, ein Bösewicht zu werden Und feind den eitlen Freuden dieser Tage. Anschläge macht' ich, schlimme Einleitungen, Durch trunkne Weissagungen, Schriften, Träume, Um meinen Bruder Clarence und den König In Todfeindschaft einander zu verhetzen. Und ist nur König Eduard treu und echt, Wie ich verschmitzt, falsch und verräterisch, So muß heut Clarence eng verhaftet werden, Für eine Weissagung, die sagt, daß G Den Erben Eduards nach dem Leben steh'. Taucht unter, ihr Gedanken! Clarence kommt.

(Clarence kommt mit Wache und Brakenbury.)

Mein Bruder, guten Tag! Was soll die Wache Bei Euer Gnaden?

Phone Number: (530) 555-5555

Office: Where is their office?

Personality: What's this person like?


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2006-04-04 11:55:01   I loved your reply to ever-so-verbose ZN on the Roma page. Thanks for the read! And I completely agree with Jason below. —ES

2006-04-04 21:57:58   I'm delighted to read your contributions. The fact that you were willing to back up your words with elbow grease is refreshing and I wish you the best of luck and much success even though I've never seen the bathroom in question. —JasonAller

2006-04-05 23:43:28   Wow, someone who can WRITE (well). —SteveDavison

2006-04-07 18:47:09   Are you planning to reply in kind to my last Roma post? The reason I ask is because our posts are taking up quite a bit of space, and the only function any good wiki post should serve is offering some practical bearing on the page's subject, namely Roma. Since your post is more reactionary and personal and has little in the way of practical subsidence related to Roma, you should either consider deleting our exchange, as it stands, or respond with something pertinent and/or revise/delete your original, maundering screed. I hope you choose to respond in kind—that is, with arguments and not flamboyant posturing—so that I can move our debate to the food/restaurant philosophy page and have it out to the end (I love a genuine dialectic). After that, we can leave behind terse fragments of our final positions on the Roma page itself, but if any more length comes of our exchange, it should be moved temporarily to the food debate page. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed. I'm open to suggestions/alternative solutions. —ZacharyNorwood

2006-04-12 22:08:20   We'd probably hate each other in real life, but I very much admire your ways. —JoshFernandez

2006-04-13 00:03:38   Well, Josh, I try not to hate people, even those who wrong me. If someone, to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, has neither the remotest knowledge of how to live, nor the smallest instinct about when to die, such a pathetic creature is rightly a target of pity, not hatred. —NicholasCorwin

  • And to paraphrase Bill and Ted, "Let's party!" —JoshFernandez

2006-04-13 23:03:35   To wallow in righteousness...ah, how delectable. Listen up, herd. Today I have indeed cleaned the head at Roma, and by that I do NOT mean anything perverted, understand, maggot? That head is now so sanitary and squared-away that my German grandmother, may she rest in peace, would indeed be proud to go in there and take a dump. The ladies' room is next week, ladies. —NicholasCorwin

2006-04-14 01:36:28   In an unrelated note, would you happen to have any relatives in Germany kind enough to allow two conscientious travelers to pitch a tent on their land? I'm leaving for Germany at the end of the month, and I'll be thereabouts until July. One of the primary objectives for my friend and I is learning the language. Although money is tight, we'll be taking a few classes. But in the main, we'll be there for the culture and geography. —ZacharyNorwood

2006-04-14 08:45:34   You deserve much more than a week of free coffee. —ES

2006-06-17 21:56:53   clockwork orange? —ES

I've been away from Davis for about a year and a half. Among other things I've been working as a civilian contractor for the military (not in Iraq, in case you're wondering). I must say I liked the greater emphasis on hygiene. Davis is a bubble. You are all sleeping under the blanket of security provided by working-class stiffs who don't have the opportunity to loaf at places like Café Roma, and living off the fat of an economy that is still powerful enough to keep the wolf from your collective door. I never fit in; I readily admit it.

2008-04-02 22:35:18   Thanks for your info about "treibhaus" and how to pronounce it. I've been having a bit confusion with pizza deliveries. Heh. —Aarolye