Email Jon Li has been involved in Davis life since 1966 when he came to UC Davis as a freshman with his bicycle.
Davis City Council Race, 2010
Jon was running for a seat on the Davis City Council on a platform of forward thinking action. The primary efforts were in council communication and long range problem solving: - for better communication strategies for the council within itself, with staff, and with members of the public, the city council should implement a "policy governance" evaluation of it roles, including regular council meeting evaluation by a council member at the end of the meeting, and - implement a Viable Systems Model analysis of the Davis community, and invite people to do a Personal VSM analysis and then a VSM analysis of their neighborhood, and their business.
Where will Davis be 10 years from now? Where will the University be? What about the State of California? The VSM analysis can help being able to respond to significant changes in our environment. Jon Li's Campaign Statement
Viable System Model
- Personal VSM by Allenna Leonard
- Viable System Model Jon Walker introduces you to VSM, Stafford Beer and Mondragon
- VSM by Jon Li
- From Stafford Beer's 'How to Run a Country'
- Allenna Leonard's 'A Viable System Model: Consideration of Knowledge Management'
Collected Works
- Politics in Davis and Environs
- Davis Enterprise Columns (1998-2000)
- Davisville to me (1999)
- Davis Myths (1999)
- Critiquing Mike Fitch's Davis Growing Pains (1998)
- Havin' a say in your 'hood (1999)
- Unfair Property Tax Duality (1999)
- Bike Helmet (1999)
- Environmental Political Map (1999)
- Housing History (2000)
- Those Campaigning Greenwald Sisters (2007)
- Past 50 Years of Davis History (2009)
Papers listed below followed by (ISSS): annual meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
- Creating a New Decentralized Economy
- Evolving to Sustainability (ISSS 2008)
- Surviving the Economy (ISSS 2009)
- A System that Works: Building a new Global Political Economy using the Viable System Model (ISSS 2010)
- Using the Viable System Model
- Davis Enterprise column: what do you mean by the systems approach
- Jon Li's Reader's Guide to Stafford Beer's Platform for Change
- Economics Background
- Systems Tools for Institutional Transformation (ISSS 2006)
- Viable Urban Settlements (ISSS 2006)
- U.S. faces Economic Recession (ISSS 2001)
- Bushcapades: Is the U.S. in a Recession? (ISSS 2001)
- Is Global Warming really happening (1999)
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Health Care Delivery System
- Systemic Trauma: The Troubled Prospects for Managed Care in California and the U.S. (ISSS 1996) – decentralized health care for all
- The Healing of America by TR Reid (distillation)
2010-03-21 09:29:40 Hey Jon... you might want to add to your public entry at Jon Li, add a photo, etc. Note that that entry is a community written profile about you as a public figure, so it is a cooperative editing project, not a personal soapbox. However, you're more than encouraged to add to it. —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
2010-05-18 17:00:00 Hey Jon, there's currently a talk page over at VSM by Jon Li/Talk that's broached the topic of some of the articles you've contributed to the wiki, and how they integrate into the wiki. The following is a repost of a comment from October, left by by BrentLaabs. I agree with him, and I think a few other editors might as well, based at least on that specific talk page.
" You might be confused. Why would I delete your content on the wiki? I've had good interactions with you in the past, and I don't want to ruin that. However, the pages you're adding to the wiki have a couple of problems:
A lot of the material isn't related to Davis, the mission of this wiki. It may be tangentially related, but the connection isn't made.
You're making a Walled Garden. The pages don't relate to the rest of the wiki, and aren't linked in or out from any appropriate wiki pages. They're often so long, that an ordinary user couldn't see how it fits.
The wiki is not personal webhosting, even if you're using the userspace ("Users/JonLi/ ..."). You can use it to describe yourself, and have a little extra content just for fun, but they're mainly there to help build a sense of community among wiki users.
So, what can you do? Your pages are definitely educational in nature, and could find a home on another Wiki Spot wiki (such as californiaconstitution). Or otherwise, try to summarize, and work your content into appropriate pages (Bicycling, Town History, Sustainability). There, you'll be able to interact with other editors (who normally avoid personal userspace), and maybe help to promote your ideas and information. Let me know if you have any question or concerns! —BrentLaabs"
- Jon, you really could be a poster child for walled gardens: so many pages, with so few links or relationships to anything else in Davis. It's kind of sad... —DougWalter
Brent had suggested that you move your articles off of the DavisWiki, and I have to agree, for exactly the three reasons he listed above. I really encourage you to have them on a different WikiSpot wiki, or else to a personal web-host. You could then alter the links listed above to their new address. Cheers, -ES
2010-05-21 10:48:40 Hey Jon, just leaving a comment to make sure you see the last one. —EdWins
2010-05-21 10:50:39 The best City Council candidate you never heard of! —EdwardNiemand
2011-04-25 23:13:45 Howdy! None of your new pages seem to be actually related to Davis in any meaningful sense. The pages could just as easily be on the Picher OK wiki, or anywhere else.I've just flagged them, but others may have more forceful opinions on the matter. —JoePomidor
2011-04-25 23:19:14 Was there any reason to create new pages for that information? Why not put it all on that one page, where there's context and it makes sense? —JoePomidor
2011-04-26 07:40:44 Jon, please reread the above comments. Over at the VSM by Jon Li/Talk page you had responded, "5. After I give my paper in July, or maybe even sooner, cleaning up anything I can on the daviswiki will be my top priority. It is a matter of time and brain space. This stuff is 2nd nature to you, or 1st; there are things that Jason said to me last summer that I have just figured out (and lots that I obviously haven't figured out yet). I will set up a location that does not bother you. "
That was May, 2010, almost exactly a year ago. Over the last couple days, you just created a new set of pages that bring up the exact same issue: they're not relevant to the Davis Wiki in terms of documenting Davis. If you're trying to get the community of Davis to focus on international issues via a series of essays, that's again not really DavisWiki material as it's not really Davis focused. The material looks good, it should just go elsewhere. I'm not deleting your pages, but we had been hoping (since last year) you'd move them yourself. Again, I strongly encourage you to either create your own wiki dedicated to your topic of interest, or get your own personal webhost rather than using the wiki. —EdWins
2011-04-26 18:53:48
Seriously, have you heard of it? —hankim
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