Name: Jon Fenske

I'm amazed I've been in Davis so long. I didn't plan it that way. But like John Lennon said "Life is what happens, when you're busy making other plans". Anyway, this town has really grown on me. The more I go to that sprawling suburb that is Sacramento County, the more I appreciate a town where the locals actually have a grasp of municipal planning.

I work as a Civil Engineer downtown; I've also taught Physics and Astronomy at Sac City, played guitar at The G St Pub. Now, I live in west Davis . I am also a past co-owner of the Varsity Theatre. I sold my half December 2009.

Talk to officer Neves, the bike cop, and fill out that pdf they are building a case Daubert

I saw the comment you made over at University Airport a few months ago and I wonder if you have had any problems since then. There are some pretty strict noise abatement policies in place at the airport, and though it is requested for pilots to abide by them, it is not mandatory, and sometimes people do stupid stuff. We do the best we can (i.e. avoid flying over the houses north of Russell Blvd. even though the runway is just south of it) but as it is a public airport, anyone can fly in and those who aren't familiar with the airport or the area may not know to avoid certain areas. I hope things have been going better for you since then! — JenniferCook