Jamie is the Campus Center for the Environment director for '07-'08, a Project Compost volunteer and a co-founder of the Davis People's Free School. She likes these people and places. She once attempted to float down Putah Creek on innertubes from Winters with her housemates. Unfortunately, they didn't get too far before having a friend rescue them with a car ride home several hours later. You can contact Jamie about CCE and DPFS happenings at jltrinkle@gmail.com.
2007-04-17 08:09:35 hi jamie. you did an awesome job on the free school page. i look forward to the upcoming sessions you all will put on. hasta luego! —JessicaRockwell
2007-10-11 18:54:13 the free skool looks cool this year. good job. —PxlAted
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