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2009-07-04 18:26:49 A belated Welcome to the Wiki. —JasonAller
2010-10-28 19:40:00 Are you sure that everyone in the group will see it as a jokompliment? And even if they do, are you sure that others who might agree with the political views expressed will see it as a jokompliment? Is it worth possibly offending people, remembering that this is on the front page of the wiki and not just an internal joke among friends? P.S. Also, there is no need to yell at me. We should be able to disagree amicably. —CovertProfessor
• I yelled? Maybe in digital terms, but no yelling, BOLD was EMPHASIS, not yell. Personally I'd love to see a freaky wiki. Melting bananas, lava lamps, artificial fog, that sort of thing. Point was to get people's attention, since the original Feature Page that had the guide only was removed. Apparently there are good reasons for this for IRS purposes that were not obvious in Wiki rules and which weren't communicated to me until later. I mostly had issue with your removal reason being a 'personal attack'. That implies an individual, whereas this was nebulously applied to a group on unnamed people, most of whom I doubt would take offense at the term, but possibly. Then again that's nothing like a personal attack on a individual, which I would agree was inappropriate. The change made was suggested by a fellow organizer; we agreed it kept the freak in, but blunted the likelihood of misinterpretation. —acm
Yes, yelled in digital/Internet terms. All caps are widely perceived as yelling, and not just by me. Perhaps I should explain my reaction to your use of the term "freak." While I can see it being used in a positive way (lava lamps, etc., as you say) it is one of those words that can also be used in a negative way. And I will be honest — since I don't know you, I saw the word "freak" and it looked like someone who was trying to paint the group in a bad light. Such things happen on the wiki all of the time — someone comes along and rewords something to make a group look bad. And yes, I think you can make personal attacks on a group (who after all is composed of its members) as well as on particular individuals. Look, we're on the same side here, really — I think it's a cool document and wanted to make sure that it wasn't being maligned. And as I said below, the modification makes it more obvious that the group isn't being maligned. So, all is well that ends well. —cp
"White-collar conservatives flashing down the street
Pointing their plastic finger at me.
They're hoping soon my kind will drop and die,
But I'm gonna wave my freak flag high . . . HIGH!" — Jimi Hendrix, "If 6 was 9", (posted by acm)
More lyrics:
2010-10-29 09:28:16 Thank you — I think it is a little more obvious now that the term is meant in a positive way. —CovertProfessor
2010-12-02 11:03:59 Thanks for all the info on the railroad fence. Since you're clearly very well informed on the issue, would you be willing to do a quick writeup on exactly what the proposal is on the Olive Drive Railroad Fence page? —TomGarberson
2011-01-06 03:32:54 I wasn't clear about going "south"; did you mean east? "Olive Drive Railroad Fence": "There is also no rational way to go from the Borders side of the intersection onto 1st Street going south into downtown on a bicycle except to stop in the middle of the crosswalk going north and back ones bike into the traffic lane half way across and wait for the light, a very odd but semi-functional path." —BruceHansen
Thanks for your response to my question. One way for you to respond would be to reply on my page by typing in the comments box. That way there is an automatic time stamp for the comment and a message alert at the top of the page. Another possible way to respond would be to add your comment where my comment was on your page and in that case you could possibly also put a little notice on my page about your response on your page. Another place to communicate is on a talk page ie. Olive Drive Railroad Fence/Talk. I am adding to my previous comment that I made to you in this case; you should still get a message alert. After I've typed my response I can type my name, but I'll just click the signature box at the top of the edit page. I'll also (really optional) make a note on my page that I'm replying on your page. You replied that you did mean "east" instead of "south". Since my first comment I noticed that there is another problem - there is no bike lane going east. (If there's a dotted line under a link, it means that there isn't an existing page - it could be a wanted page.) —BruceHansen
2011-01-14 17:16:39 How would it be to put your name in the list on People? This page or a page of the type Joe Krovoza or maybe both could be listed. After your name could be a brief description, note or comment, say "Resident of east Davis". —BruceHansen
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